
Gentle herbs that help the body's natural elimination process of diseased cells within breast tis-sue whilst you are sleeping, even though the herbs contain potent cell renewal abilities, you will find this supplement will help you rest well.
Provides the body with natural iron, and helps heals wounds and repair damaged breast tissue.
Female herbs to support proper uterine and heal breast tissue as they are rich in phytoestro-gens, high in calcium and magnesium which are essential for healing the breasts.
We have added Holy Thistle which is one of the best blood purifying herbs able to eliminate any stored toxins. This herb was/is a tonic used by the monks, who knew its recuperative healing properties that restore the breast tissue and digestive tract issues.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, or the Medical Control Council, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any ailment, they are for your educational purpose only.


Urtica dioica, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Red Clover, Alchemilla mollis, Holy Thistle, Stellaria me-dia, Motherwort.


© Natural-Solutions 2020