RED CLOVER: primarily used as a depurative or detoxifying herb. It assists the body in removing waste products and toxins from our fluids and tissues.
PLANTAIN: eliminates/destroys toxins (detoxicant)
BURDOCK ROOT: It removes toxins from the blood. One of the most common traditional uses for burdock root has been to purify the blood. Recent evidence has found that burdock root can re-move toxins from the bloodstream. A 2011 study found that burdock root effectively detoxified blood and promoted increased circulation.
LEMON BALM: This herb, when taken internally, acts as a cholagogue, which means that it stimulates bile release from the gallbladder into the small intestine. Bile is what emulsifies fats and allows them to be properly broken down so that the liver can correctly sort out the nutrients from the toxic agents. Lemon balm is also a nervous system tonic and a digestive stimulant, so
it’s working on a couple of levels to help your body relax and process food.
GINKGO: helps remove mercury from the brain and reduces inflammation there.
HYDRANGEA ROOT: helps remove toxins through the kidney and bladder.
DANDELION ROOT: Serves as Diuretic. Dandelion root has a natural diuretic effect, allowing your liver to more quickly eliminate toxins.
BEARBERRY: The most common traditional use of bearberries was as a natural diuretic. This helps people release the toxins from their body at a rapid rate, cleansing the bladder and kidneys. This helps to eliminate excess salts, fats, water, and toxic materials from your body, helping all of your systems work better
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