
YARROW - used for fevers, common colds, hay fever, loss of appetite.
ORIS ROOT - loosens lung congestion, a powerful expectorant for lung disorders, helps to loosen and expel phlegm and ease lung complains.
ELECAMPANE - clears out excess mucus that impairs lung function, antibacterial for the lungs, reduces infection MARSHMALLOW LEAF AND ROOT for pain and swelling, inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the respiratory tract.
COLTSFOOT strengthens the lungs, clears out excess mucous from the lungs and bronchial tubes, soothes mucous mem-branes in the lungs helps all lung ailments.
DANDELION for loss of appetite, blood tonic, and helps to eliminate toxins from the lungs.
LIQUORICE soothing the mucous membrane of the throat, lungs and stomach, cleanses any inflamed mucous membranes that need immune system support. Reduces irritation in the throat, has an expectorant action the saponins that loosen the phlegm so the body can expel the mucous.
ECHINACEA fights infections especially upper respiratory infections.
RAMSON’S is powerfully used for asthma, emphysema and bronchitis.
ICELAND MOSS used for treating irritation of the throat and lungs, bronchitis, lung diseases and fights infection.
Mullein- it acts as an expectorant to remove mucus from the respiratory tract, especially the lungs.


Yarrow, Oris Root, Elecampane, Coltsfoot, Dandelion Root and Leaf, Liquorice, Echinacea Root and Leaf, Ramson’s and Iceland Moss, Mullein


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