Developing children are much more vulnerable to toxins and unhealthy habits — what might not have any noticeable effect on you might cause lifelong problems for your child. This means cutting out as many toxins as you can, from alcohol and certain foods to toxic pollutants in the environment, both while pregnant and while raising your child! Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation emitted from tablets, cell phones, baby monitors, Electricity Pylons, Cell towers, and other electronic devices is one such environmental toxin. EMF radiation is not always on the top of a parent’s list of things to worry about, yet it’s essential to limit EMF exposure to fetuses as well as babies and young children. Below are some suggestions on ways to minimize the dangers of EMF radiation exposure to your children. Try not to let your young ones use electronic devices like tablets or cell phones. Young children are more susceptible to the dangers of EMF radiation because their bodies are still developing and absorb more radiation than adults. If you do allow the use, keep it for short periods. Less than 2 hours a day is recommended, with no device use within 2 hours of going to bed. Keep your cell phone off your body while pregnant and away from your baby or toddler. Keeping your cell phone at least a one-foot distance from your body as well as your child’s will decrease the strength of the radiation exposure by as much as 80%. Put your phone in airplane mode or turn it off completely, when you don’t NEED to receive phone calls or messages. Hardwire your home with Ethernet cables instead of using WiFi. Purchase a wired baby monitor instead of a wireless model. Not only will this eliminate the RF radiation that would otherwise be transmitted in the baby’s room, but it is also a sure way to keep your baby off the internet. Never set your iPad or laptop on your belly while pregnant. The use of a laptop or tablet/iPad directly has been linked to severe health defects from these effects of prenatal radiation exposure. The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends limiting TV screen time for young children, and this applies to watching shows on tablets. Not only does this limit EMF exposure, but watching TV around bedtime can cause sleeping disorders and sleep schedules. Young children with heavy media use are at risk for delays in language development once they start school. When talking to grandma and grandpa on a cell phone or by video, set the device on a table away from the child and out of their hands. Creating distance from the source of the radiation will help limit the strength in exposure to the radiation. There are so many health risks to consider with our young ones, but limiting exposure to EMF radiation is a very achievable goal. All it takes is a little common sense and mindfulness. Children are more vulnerable than adults to environmental risks because of several factors: Children are constantly growing. They breathe more air, consume more food, and drink more water than adults do, in proportion to their weight. Children’s central nervous, immune, reproductive, and digestive systems are still developing. At certain early stages of development, exposure to environmental toxicants can lead to irreversible damage. Children behave differently from adults and have different patterns of exposure. Young children crawl on the ground where they can be exposed to dust and chemicals that accumulate on floors and soils. Children have little control over their environment. Unlike adults, they may be both unaware of risks and unable to make choices to protect their health. Children’s health problems resulting from exposure to biologically contaminated water, poor sanitation, indoor smoke, rampant disease vectors such as mosquitoes, inadequate food supply, and unsafe use of chemicals and waste disposal, rank among the highest environmental burden of disease worldwide. Significant progress in reducing the environmental burden of disease on a global scale can only be achieved by focusing on the key risk factors, through a holistic approach. A comprehensive comparative risk assessment suggests a cluster of eight environmental issues, many of which may concur in the places where children dwell, play, and learn.

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Early life opportunities. Abstract populations are exposed to varying degrees of electromagnetic fields (EMF); in this study, researchers considered only extremely low frequency (ELF) and radio frequency (RF) fields. After the first study of ELF and childhood leukemia in 1979, an intensive investigation has sought to shed light on the potential relationship between EMF and childhood leukemia. Consistent associations from studies and two pooled analyses have been the basis for the classification of ELF as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The study of RF is still in its infancy and little is known about residential RF exposure or its potential effects on childhood leukemia. The purpose of this study, presented at the WHO Workshop on Sensitivity of Children to EMF in Istanbul, Turkey in June 2004, is to review and critically assess the epidemiologic evidence on EMF and childhood leukemia. In today’s world, technological developments bring social and economic benefits to large sections of society; however, the health consequences of these developments can be difficult to predict and manage. With rapid advances in electromagnetic field (EMF) technologies and communications, children are increasingly exposed to EMFs at earlier and earlier ages. Consistent epidemiological evidence of an association between childhood leukemia and exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields has led to their classification by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a “possible human carcinogen.” Concerns about the potential vulnerability of children to radio frequency (RF) fields have been raised because of the potentially greater susceptibility of young developing nervous systems.

In addition, a Child’s brain tissue is more conductive, RF penetration is greater relative to head size, and they will have a longer lifetime of exposure than adults. To evaluate information relevant to children’s sensitivity to both ELF and RF EMFs and to identify research needs, the World Health Organisation held an expert workshop in Istanbul, Turkey, in June 2004.

This article is based on discussions from the workshop and provides background information on the development of the embryo, fetus, and child, with particular attention to the developing brain; an outline of childhood susceptibility to environmental toxicants and childhood diseases implicated in EMF studies; and a review of childhood exposure to EMFs. It also includes an assessment of the potential susceptibility of children to EMFs and concludes with a recommendation for additional research and the development of precautionary policies in the face of scientific uncertainty. I have noticed that children with high levels of EMR have blue eyeballs, (normally white). If you would like any more help or advice you can contact