Constantine Hering, M.D. (1800-1880) observed that healing occurs in a consistent pattern. He described this pattern in the form of three basic laws which homeopaths can use to recognise that healing is occurring. This pattern has been recognized by acupuncturists for hundreds of years and is also used by practitioners of herbalism and other healing disciplines.
According to the first of Hering’s laws, healing progresses from the deepest part of the organism – the mental and emotional levels and the vital organs – to the external parts, such as skin and extremities.
Hering’s second law states that, as healing progresses, symptoms appear and disappear in the reverse of their original chronological order of appearance. Homeopaths have consistently observed that their patients re-experience symptoms from past conditions.
According to Hering’s third law, healing progresses from the upper to the lower parts of the body. For instance, a person is considered to be on the mend if the arthritic pain in his neck has decreased although he now has pain in his finger joints.
As the symptoms change in accordance with Hering’s Law, it is common for individual symptoms to become worse than they had been before treatment. If healing is truly in progress, the patient feels stronger and generally better in spite of the aggravation. Before long, the symptoms of the aggravation pass, and leave the person healthier on all levels.
Sadly, most conventional medical doctors treat each symptom as a unique and unconnected phenomenon. A person’s skin rash generally would be treated with cortisone, thus suppressing it and, possibly, reactivating the person’s asthma. The mentally ill person’s new physical symptom is also suppressed, leading to a relapse of the mental illness.
There are symptoms during a healing crisis that may be confused with illness but the difference is that these symptoms are short in duration and move from one part of the body to another, from inside out and from top to bottom. There is usually a lack of appetite and may be a fever. Illness is a very different scenario where one or more of the organs are not working well, causing toxic build up of waste material that can’t get out.
There is fear during illness, a feeling of being out of control as opposed to the prevailing feeling during a healing crisis that underneath all the symptom-ology everything is working just the way it should and everything is really OK. The reversal process is another part of the healing crisis. It is necessary to revisit each step the body has been through that brought it to its current state of disease. People learn from an early age that symptoms are bad and should be stopped or suppressed; not necessarily so in reversing and eliminating disease.
Will you? This is a very important question for you to answer within.
If indeed you are to manifest true healing, then you must inner-stand that wholistic health is your greatest wealth.
Look after your thoughts (mind), body, and spirit. Take responsibility and be accountable to yourself for creating the present state of ill health or health that you have or are creating.
Accept yourself unconditionally love yourself and your body right now where you are at. Use your sense of humor (or develop one), take it light, give yourself a break, you know better now. Allow for your consciousness to grow and expand as you cleanse and release your diseased consciousness.
In practical terms, the more you are willing to freely love yourself, just the way you are, the sooner you will create circumstance that reflect self-love. As you cleanse remember that is through love of self that your body can serve you best.
We have some great body cleansers available on our Healing Protocols page.
Yours in good health